A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Site Changelog

Posted by circlejourney
5 months ago

📌 🔒 Site Changelog

A thread for site changes that aren't major enough for announcements. Subscribe to remain apprised of small site updates!


  • removed the 1-nest limit for InterNests
  • changed the egg cooldown that chickens receive from InterNests to be the same length as the egg hatch time
circlejourney 3 months ago (edited 3 months ago) Reply
  • Farmhouse spawning has been re-enabled
  • Adjusted the karyotype odds (previously there was a 500:499 skew of ZZ to ZW)
  • Breeding page has been updated to reflect the recent InterNest changes
  • Fixed a bug that was causing a chicken to be recalled when changing maps (but only in a horizontal direction, it seems)
  • InterNest achievement was previously not being issued correctly - this has been debugged and reissued
  • InterNest now checks if both users have enough seed before deducting any
  • Rewards should now no longer spawn on top of chickens in Eggspedition
  • Shop page now mentions that modulators are a type of splicer
circlejourney 3 months ago (edited 3 months ago) Reply
  • Added a bump button to forum threads, threads can be bumped every half an hour.
  • Message replies now autofill with "Re:" + the previous subject
  • Cheek colour calculation has been adjusted a little to make them look a bit better when dark on dark, I will continue fine tuning this till it's to my liking
  • Eggs, seed and chickets info page has been updated with the most recent info about how to get them

To allow for finer customisation of the cheek appearance, I've added a Blush accessory! This is a 50% opacity overlay that renders on top of the cheek trait and under eyespots (it is also affected by Photofilm unlike any other accessory).

Try in Dressing Room | Buy at the Eggschange

  • You can now select background colours for tierless flair - i.e. Elder, Bias and Supporter
  • Tiered flair badges now have dark and light versions of the colours that follow the chicken's dark/light background setting
  • Revamped mobile chicken select menus so that they scale smartly to the container/screen they're in
  • Debugged invite bidding and issued a round for the one that was missed
  • Nav buttons have been added to the bottom of the Farmhouse
  • Messages now have timestamps
  • FINALLY every place that has a drag handle actually uses it. That's the little griddy looking icon that you see in some places. hopefully this makes dragging things easier on mobile.
  • Renamed username flair to badges to avoid the conflict with the flair gene!
  • Re-published the site's design ethos - check this if you want to know how I assess how much site suggestions "line up with my vision for the site."
  • After posting a forum reply, you are now automatically jumped to the correct page.
  • Fixed the bug that was making the coin emoji always show up in the Supporter flair input regardless of what emoji you set.
  • you can now set colours on all badge types, not just the tierless ones!
  • you can now only set one Bias chicken (as I'd like to incentivise people to use the "special" types) - I did not remove the extra bias chickens from people's profiles since I don't want to disrupt any of the colours you may have going on, but subsequent changes to your flair will remove those extra bias badges
  • Added a menu to change the chicken's roost from their profile. As part of this, chicken profiles have been reorganised so that the action menu is popped out above the status/accessory/filter columns to make room for more links.
  • Fixed the bug that was making chicks with the blush accessory run into a bug when rendering
  • "Badge" name should be consistent across the site now
  • Roost editing is much more convenient now with edit buttons on the individual roost pages! I have done my best to test these thoroughly but there's a chance that I have missed some sequence of actions that may produce a bug.
  • Edit Roosts page has better styling on the roost cards.
  • When running into an error while editing a roost name/description, tooltips now pop up explaining what went wrong.
  • Fixed a bug that was making modulator previews not change the comb colour properly
  • Seepier filter has been updated to be slightly desaturated, so it is truer to the feel of sepia
  • Navigation bar should now render on top of all other page elements
  • Fixed the name displayed in the "has not added anything" message in the trade view
  • Added "Refund request" type to support ticket menu
  • Updated the ToS to explain under what scenarios you can request a refund:

If you purchase the wrong item or use a single-use item incorrectly by accident, and the total egg value of expended items/eggs exceeds 1500 eggs, you may request a refund and/or for the effects to be reverted (e.g. using several modulators in the wrong direction, or buying several of the wrong type of splicer). File a "Refund request" ticket. This covers only accidents and mistakes, and does not include change-of-mind requests.

  • Debugged roost edit features.
circlejourney 2 months ago (edited 2 months ago) Reply
  • You can now pet chickens by pressing the p key. (Note that holding down the key will not cause it to pet repeatedly, it's once per tap)
  • There is now a 1/100 chance of a backflip each time you pet a chicken
  • Clucky Clicker now has explanatory text about keyboard controls
  • You can now no longer roll the "all your chickens are fed" daily reward if...all your chickens are fed
  • Reorganised status icons on the chicken profile and added transed status
  • Psst, the beta dressing room overhaul is available for testing! Adds a wardrobe with a price calculator, a button to buy the chicken's outfit, and the ability to add more than one of each type of filter and accessory. This is a complex change, so I want to make 100% sure it's working before replacing the old one. Let me know if a bug results in you buying the wrong number/types of items, I will refund you.
  • All egg and fed timers now show days + hours or hours + minutes (e.g. 1 day 10 hours).
  • Trades can now be accessed from the top link bar on your notifications page. It will have a badge showing your number of incomplete trades.
  • Parents' siblings are now called piblings in the family tree page
  • ToS updated to reflect the new hosting plan
  • The perma-release and pool release rewards have been raised to 45 - 60 eggs and 50 eggs respectively.
circlejourney 2 months ago (edited 2 months ago) Reply

Apologies for the bugs I left unattended for the past 8 hours! Basically, adding the option to buy from the dressing room made it that I had to change how buying and chicken selectors work site-wide (that's why I say it's a complex change) and both of those things were no longer working in other places.

  • fixed chicken selectors. This was affecting Eggspedition, applying items to chickens, selecting chickens for breeding/preview and selecting them in the original dressing room. (Because of the changes I made, their associated script was not being rendered on the page and the hidden input element wasn't updating to whichever chicken was clicked.)
  • fixed buying splicers - I added an Item model so buying across all the different types of items would work consistently, but forgot to make Splicers an Item, this has been fixed.
  • also debugged the "not enough eggs" issue which came from the above change; this was creating a warning that you didn't have enough eggs despite having the eggs, and would buy the item anyway.
  • the old dressing room was not working when exporting a chicken to it - forgot to test this earlier, have fixed it

Let me know in a ticket if you need a refund on anything! Especially if it was worth a lot e.g. >1000 eggs

Edit: Also fixed the beta dressing room bug where toggling a duplicate filter would toggle only the first copy of that filter, and allowing buying >1 of the same item at the same time

  • Added a suggestions/bug reports info page with all the detail that was previously being crammed into the bug report and suggestion pinned threads
  • The dev tracker is now doing the double duty of displaying my queue of updates that are ready and pending release (the ones that aren't spoilers, anyway)! You will see these under the new "Awaiting Release" category. I may not put everything here, because I like some things to be surprises!
  • Dev tracker items on the front page now have a small note indicating what category it has.
  • Thread titles are now centred...this was bothering me a lot lol
  • Debugged dressing room beta item deletion (the delete buttons were not working earlier)
  • Pool and farmhouse spawn rates have been lowered back to what they were before, since we seem to have reached the equilibrium point
  • Farmhouse and Pullet Pool now both have links directly to their corresponding search pages
  • Expired listings were previously not clearing properly; they are now treated as inactive and won't block you from relisting the chicken
  • Fixed a bug that was making accessories taken off a chicken in the Customise view not show up in the select menu.
  • You can no longer drag accessories into the filter row and vice versa in both versions of the dressing room.

Speaking of the dressing room, I'd love to know what you think so far and whether you think it needs any changes before it replaces the current dressing room!