Apologies for the brief unplanned downtime! There was a problem with the colour calculation algorithm introduced by this afternoon's changes that was causing chicks to be generated with the wrong colours (rolling on the longer segment of the wheel instead of the shorter one). This should be fixed now, but if you had any chicks that did not give you the expected colours, let me know and I am happy to roll a new relevant colour for them.
Couple of small housekeeping changes today:
- Cache bust the modulator wheel preview thumbnails (which were added recently) so they update properly when the same chicken is modulated again in a short time
- Fix the Farmhouse listing page links on chickens' profiles
- Hide your listings from users you are blocking/blocked by
There has been quite a lot of feedback about the one-way and two-way trades causing confusion (since a two-way trade needs both people to add items), so I've made a couple of UI changes that will hopefully eliminate many of those issues.
Now, you have to explicitly choose between One-way and Two-way from a popover menu before creating the trade
Added a button for the initiator of a trade to toggle it between One-way and Two-way, as long as the other person hasn't added anything yet
Fixed the bug that was making chicken profiles not update with new text (let me know if your user profiles also don't update!)
Eggspedition instructions on the map pages now explain the step cost rules more clearly
"Verify email" page now mentions the possibility of delayed emails if many people are signing up at the same time
Added emotes to better differentiate the chicken action menu items, and also style menus as a single column on small screens
Debugged the sanitiser so it doesn't error out on parsing malformed HTML
Tuned the profanity filter to respect the exception list better (especially in partial match situations)
added some explanatory text to the onboarding to mention that you only get to choose from half of the available colours for your very first chicken
Maps now spawn new items every 3 minutes, and have a higher cap. Thanks for bearing with me while I update the site to better handle the new userbase size!
Fleshed out the Dressing Room with some QOL stuff.
- Chickens are now imported with their existing accessories.
- Swapping chickens will also swap out their accessories instead of applying previous ones on the new chicken.
- "Clear accessories" and "clear filters" buttons added.
Other changes:
- Breeding check now shows you 4 possible offspring (hopefully saving you from having to open Chick Peek in a separate window).
- You can now press Space to refresh the chicks in Clucky Clicker.
You can now use Markdown in user and chicken profiles. Rolled this back because I realised it affects some HTML formatting. - Debugged ghost notifications on trades after a previously traded item was sold.
- Patched out a loophole that allowed accessories to be applied to chickens that were currently in an accepted carton (and thereby would not transfer properly when traded, allowing the sender to keep them).
- Updated the terms of service with more detail about revenue and our refund policy.
- Added ability to mark notifications as read without deleting them.