A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Suggestion: Simplify Seed to Egg Exchange Screen

Posted by Waltz
1 month ago

Suggestion: Simplify Seed to Egg Exchange Screen

Small suggestion to simplify the Seed & Egg exchange screen in the Eggschange! Since there is a set exchange rate no matter the purchase quantity (1:10), and because exact quantities can be entered in every purchase box, as opposed to a single-click purchase, I don't feel there's much real benefit in having the larger quantity (10, 50, etc) boxes available.

Having simply an Eggs to Seed and a Seed to Egg field with customizable purchase amounts (such as already exist) would be more streamlined on the page.

(Posting this in forum in case anyone else feels/uses the purchase screen differently!)

Do you use the larger quantity purchase options in the seed-egg exchange?

Poll created by Waltz
Yes, often
Yes, occasionally
No, I only use the smaller options (entering exact amount)
I don't use the exchange at all but I like polls
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circlejourney 1 month ago (edited 1 month ago) Reply

I feel that the incremental units might simplify things for some, because they minimise amount of math you have to do during a routine shop (maybe just me but figuring out which is the biggest seed pack I can afford that leaves at least 150 is less thinking than calculating and entering how many seed exactly to leave 150 - I guess it removes just a little choice paralysis, and also a few fewer button presses). I think people who Clucky Clicker regularly might use the 500 seed -> 50 egg more often! I'm happy for more opinions on the matter.

Waltz 1 month ago Reply

That is fair! I guess I really only use it when I'm converting seeds to eggs if I'm short, and usually I don't want to use up excess seeds so I just... buy the exact amount of eggs that I want (i.e. if I need 300 and I only have 168 I just buy the 132 I'm missing). But that said I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't want to do the mental math, haha.

CheepCheep777 1 month ago Reply

I think an option to convert all seeds into eggs would be helpful, I don't have much use for seeds (I use the bugs to feed chickens) so having an option to quickly convert all seeds without having to do the math would be helpful smile emoji

Stellarbre 1 month ago Reply

To be honest I keep accidentally buying seeds instead of eggs because there’s no separate fields / categories plead emoji that may be a me thing but I second the fields addition soo bad for my blind goofy self