A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Rules and considerations

Posted by circlejourney
1 week ago (edited 1 week ago )

Rules and considerations

This is a forum for submitting site suggestions, seeing what others have already suggested, and discussing/bumping suggestions you like.

  • I cannot guarantee that your suggestion will be implemented.
  • Do check if someone has already pitched your suggestion. Duplicate suggestions will be closed and merged (notified in a reply from the site admin). (I will implement a forum search eventually...)
  • Label your thread clearly with your suggestion in the title. This helps people check if their suggestion has already been posted.
  • Threads will be deleted shortly after they are fulfilled, so try to keep discussions topical to prevent losing information you would like to keep.

I receive more suggestions than I could ever possibly fulfill; I triage/prioritise them based on:

  1. How quick they will be to implement vs the benefit they will bring to the game experience
  2. How many people want them
  3. How much they line up with my vision for the game
  4. Whether we've had too many changes on that feature recently
  5. Whether I already have similar plans lined up (I will usually do my version of the concept and add any aspects of the suggestion that I like)

Note: that I do have my own plans on top of these suggestions, and my plans take priority. There's also a release cycle in which new objects (items, map areas, and genes) are only released once a week (at most)! This will help me maintain a buffer.


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