「Salutations, the name's 留守番電話, but you can call me Lucy, for short.
I'm here today to report on an ongoing story that I've been researching for quite some time--a phenomenon that hits close to home for yours truly.
The subject of this story, I must disclose, is renowned detective Gimon Fu, who some readers may be aware is this author's half-sibling. Over the past three months, an increasing number of reports have surfaced, with witnesses claiming they have seen doppelgangers of the famed detective.
On my own investigation, some of these so-called "clones" bear more of a resemblence than others, but the fact of their existence is still nothing less than distressing, for reasons I hope are clear.
Below, I will be listing all currently known suspects. If you spot any additional "clones" in your day-to-day activities, feel free to submit an anonymous tip here. Reports must be verified.」

Suspect #4157
Alias: Detective Jr.
In the care of: @werfenspeer
*Direct genetic clone and first reported clone