Daisy Database

Page by Daisy512


Daisy | Minor | She/They

Silly little gal doing silly little things on her silly little devices. The chicken life is the best life.

Currently: tired


An introduction to my chickens and their roosts
    I made some simple little tabs linking to my forum posts, pages, basically anything to come to mind and explaining them or listing things about them. Feel free to click around!
    Do you like CREATURES?
    Do you like CHICKENS??
    Do you like NOT DRAWING HUMANS???
    Well, then, you should check out my self-made gijinka type, Creature Chickens! Not pattented. I do prefer to be credited if used as inspiration though.

    You probably recognize Creature Chickens from Entity's one (and only) humanoid gijinka. He is a creature. He doesn't get humanoid privledges. (Not sorry.)

inspiration for page taken from MisspelledFox's Coop Center