Entity: The star of the show, and my favorite chicken Probably of all time. If you recognize him it's probably because you've seen him around because he is lurking in all corners of this silly website.
The Normal Album: Did you know? Will Wood is one of my favorite aritsts, and The Normal Album is my favorite album he made. That's why I made it into a chicken! And he's my favorite, too, so that's cool
:3 : CBC based off of one of my most beloved bird characters, :3. Yes, :3, that is his name. How do you pronounce it? Well, don't ask me, I didn't name him. He just came to be one day and everyone accepted it.
The All-Stars roost is where my special guys go, if they don't have anywhere else: Chickens that have art, have lore, or I even just like looking at. These are my babies and I love them a bunch
Where my CBC's go! From many different medias I'm interested in, or just based off of OC's. If you recognize anyone here you are my best friend forever and we should skip together in a big flowery field sometime.
Home of PROJECT: THE NORMAL ALBUM. AKA, chickens based off of Will Woods: The Normal Album. No, just having a chicken based off of the album itself wasn't enough. I needed an entire hoard of Will Wood chickens.
The Waiting Room is where chickens, well wait. I put chickens there that I either do not have a use of yet or am actively rehoming- although there are some permanent residents. The Testing Chambers are for chickens awaiting modulators, or just filters that completely change their appearance.
I made some simple little tabs linking to my forum posts, pages, basically anything to come to mind and explaining them or listing things about them. Feel free to click around!
I always keep my projects inside of one page: My Project Page! Here you can find any projects, see whats in progress, and what I'm aiming for. This page will change when I seek a new project, but as of now, I am trying to make a chicken for every song in Will Woods' The Normal Album.
Well, then, you should check out my self-made gijinka type, Creature Chickens! Not pattented. I do prefer to be credited if used as inspiration though.
You probably recognize Creature Chickens from Entity's one (and only) humanoid gijinka. He is a creature. He doesn't get humanoid privledges. (Not sorry.)