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2024 Nov. 10 - 00:55 UCT
Reporter: @LvEx

Soap has had a mishap in murky waters after ignoring many no chickpassing signs. The detective was spotted leaving the lake, sporting a new slight transparency. An exclusive interview afterwards from the rooster says he feels "a little bit parched, but otherwise alright." He neglected to comment on the horns now protruding from his head.

2024 Nov. 10 - 00:50 UCT
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Got a case that needs cracking? The Hard-Boiled Egg Detective Agency has opened its doors, and our top investigators are available for hire. Also seeking new sleuths to join the team.

2024 Nov. 10 - 00:44 UCT
Reporter: SapphireRose

Known ghost Persephone recently came out in support of one of her romantic partners, Vladimir the Vampire King, after rumors started to spread about him not being a real vampire. She stated to a reporter: "Coo!!! Coo coo, cluck bawk! coo.. coo coo... cluck..." Vladimir and Persephone's other partner refused to comment on the situation and cast a "forever 2.1" spell that turned our interviewer back into a chick.

2024 Nov. 10 - 00:42 UCT
Reporter: SapphireRose

Famed Chickenpet user building an army for nefarious purposes? In other news, one of the Worlds Worst Teashop owners dropped some SHOCKING gossip! Fluoride toothpaste claims that her partner recently sold a teacup to a celebrity known only as 'Misspelled Fox..' She alleges that Fox is creating a chicken army, and believes that the teacup has become a part of it.

2024 Nov. 10 - 00:40 UCT
Reporter: SapphireRose

Fall Out Bawk, the current biggest emo chicken band, just hinted at dropping a brand new album soon! OMG 😍

Fans of the group are going wild after the Lead Singer Herbert posted a cryptic Cluckstagram story of his studio captioned "cluck.. cluck.. cluckkk... 🖤⛓️" Many are speculating this is a hint towards a new album dropping soon..

2024 Nov. 9 - 23:50 UCT

Teleporting powers?! Rumors arise after reporter Desert Rose is seen teleporting around the map. She has denied comment at this moment.

2024 Nov. 9 - 10:28 UCT
Reporter: @werfenspeer

Sunburnt chick joins the ranks of the suspicious brown chickens gathering in @werfenspeer's coop.

2024 Nov. 9 - 08:45 UCT
Reporter: @LvEx

Cherry Soda and Hanged Man Rusts under fire after their latest chick turns up sunburnt. The two decline this claim, yet a chick named Sunburnt hits the market anyways

2024 Nov. 9 - 8:24 UCT

Despite multiple complaints, Alabaster refuses to take off his stolen gray cape. Rumors suggesting it wasn't originally bought for him but rather stolen from a different chicken and then shamelessly worn by him seem to be correct.

2024 Nov. 9 - 00:10 UCT
Reporter: @Waltz

A gang of good Samaritans took up arms today to rescue a full roost of chickens whose home was teetering on the brink of a portal to hell. However, in the fray, one rooster, Dante, was neglected and nearly plummeted into the abyss. At the last moment he found salvation but returned forever changed...

2024 Nov. 9 - 0:04 UCT
Reporter: @LvEx

Bananaphone actually just four chicks in a suit? Sources say it's true, skeptics say there's no way. Six Feet Under claims he saw the chicks on a bug break, but Raven questions the claim, saying Six Feet Under often mistakes bananas for Bananaphone.