Shiritoriya Explainer

Page by Waltz

"So, Waltz, what the heck is going on in your coop?"
We're playing shiri-TORI!

Shiritori (しりとり/尻取り) is a Japanese word game.
The rules are simple: Take the last syllable (mora) of the preceding word, and use that to start the next word.


ba-na-na バナナ banana
na-su ナス eggplant
su-mo-u 相撲 sumo

"Hm, okay, right, so you're playing shiritori here? With the chicken names?"
Yes, but it's shiri-TORI! Because it's with chickens.
It's uh... It's just a bad pun. Because you see 'tori' means "take (取り)," but it also means... "chicken (鶏)."

"And the '-ya,' then?"
It's the House (屋) of Shiritori!
"...yes emoji"

Current Shiritoriya Dossier
Page 1
mu-ra-sa-ki purple
ki-sa-ra-gi 如月 February
gi-mo-n-fu 疑問符 question mark
fu-shi-gi 不思議 mystery
gi-n-ko-u 銀行 bank
u-ru-fu ウルフ wolf
fu-ru-sa-to 古里 hometown
to-ni-ka-ku とにかく anyway
ku-ri-su-ta-ru クリスタル crystal
ru-su-ba-n-de-n-wa 留守番電話 answering machine
wa-ga-ma-ma わがまま selfish
ma-ra-su-ki-i-no マラスキーノ Maraschino
no-o-to ノート notebook
to-bi-ra door
ra-i-me-i 雷鳴 thunder
i-ki-ka-ta 行き方 route
ta-n-jo-u-bi 誕生日 birthday
bi-wa 琵琶 pipa
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