Bluford's love for child-rearing and desire to help better chicken's lives has blossomed into him founding his own Adoption Center, located right on the farm that he owns with his lovely wife Lavenderis. Occasionally, he will team up with his wife to make portraits of the chickens up for adoption as well!
Click to view which chickens are up for adoption here!
Click to view which chickens are up for adoption here!
Lavenderis has started an art shop, one she calls her Egg-telier, in order to help her husband Bluford with the egg bills and to help care for the many children they both foster in their farm/orphanage that doubles as their home. She works tirelessly creating works of art that her customers will be satisfied with, occasionally using the eggs made to treat herself to finishing her redesign a spa day and some new accessories.
Click to view what chicken art is being offered here!
Click to view what chicken art is being offered here!
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