abigaia's chickens


Plurb, a blurple and indigo chicken with a bar pattern
#1131 Plurb
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Iota, a orange and mist chicken with a lace pattern
#4683 Iota
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Diggy, a olive and gluppy chicken with a lace pattern
#4684 Diggy
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Arcade, a sky and spring chicken with a bar pattern
#5603 Arcade
3 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Blaire, a cerulean and russet chicken
#5816 Blaire
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Autumn, a vermilion and crimson chicken
#6191 Autumn
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed