(unnamed)'s family tree


Kali, a grey and orchid chicken
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
weedthursday, a black chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZW
salt, a sable and white chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ


beauty, a sable and lavender chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ
pepper, a sable and black chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZW


(unnamed), a sable and fuchsia chicken with a head pattern
4 days • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside


icing, a sable and lilac chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ
pigeon, a ash and grey chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Pink void, a sable and black chicken with a head pattern
Pink void
3 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed
Wine, a sable and wine chicken with a speckle pattern
1 week • ZZ
Entity, a sable and black chicken with a speckle pattern
1 week • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a sable and wine chicken with a head pattern
1 week • ZZ A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
(unnamed), a sable and orchid chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 day • ZZ A chick hatching out of an egg

Piblings (parents' siblings)

quita, a wine and sky chicken
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Kaito, a sapphire and sky chicken
1 month • ZZ
Trance, a sable and fuchsia chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
silent hill, a mist chicken
silent hill
1 month • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Sheetrock, a silver and cream chicken with a double-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed A green nest with a golden egg inside
candle, a blurple and sky chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
Sodium, a silver and white chicken with a speckle pattern
4 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a grey and fuchsia chicken with a lace pattern
4 weeks • ZW
boop, a sable and orchid chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
3 weeks • ZW
Chicken, a ash and black chicken
3 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Binah, a black and beige chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZZ
Shadow, a black chicken
1 week • ZW
(unnamed), a sable and white chicken with a speckle pattern
4 days • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a sable and pink chicken with a speckle pattern
1 day • ZZ A chick hatching out of an egg


Zak, a navy and sky chicken
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Walnut, a orchid and ultramarine chicken
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Tweet, a mist and sky chicken with a head pattern
4 weeks • ZW
Chicken, a ash and black chicken
3 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a lavender and sable chicken with a double-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a plum and fuchsia chicken with a double-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZW
wax, a wine and sky chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZW
xime, a black chicken
2 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a ash and violet chicken with a double-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed A green nest with a golden egg inside
Pink Lace, a grey and pink chicken with a lace pattern
Pink Lace
2 weeks • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
le bird, a mist and ash chicken with a half-lace pattern
le bird
2 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a grey and amethyst chicken with a speckle pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
matcha, a chartreuse and olive chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
Clyde, a ash chicken with a bar pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
(unnamed), a tumblr and aqua chicken with a bar pattern
2 weeks • ZW
Chicken, a ash and black chicken
1 week • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
cottonball, a white chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a black and ash chicken with a double-lace pattern
1 week • ZZ A green-grey seed A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
(unnamed), a sable and orange chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZZ
Chicken, a ash and black chicken
1 week • ZW A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a fuchsia and amethyst chicken with a double-lace pattern
1 week • ZZ A green-grey seed A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
Chicken, a ash chicken
1 week • ZW
陰, a black chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
6 days • ZW A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a grey and mist chicken with a lace pattern
6 days • ZZ
(unnamed), a black and mist chicken with a double-lace pattern
2 days • ZW A green-grey seed A chick hatching out of an egg A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
(unnamed), a sable and sky chicken with a double-lace pattern
1 day • ZZ A green-grey seed A chick hatching out of an egg
(unnamed), a ash and sable chicken
1 day • ZW A green-grey seed A chick hatching out of an egg
