Sea Glass's family tree


Alvin, a plum and orange chicken with a lace pattern
2 months • ZZ
Sea Glass, a teal and grass chicken with a lace pattern
Sea Glass
2 months • ZW
Wooper, a turquoise and lemon chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed




kelp, a cerulean and chartreuse chicken with a double-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside

Piblings (parents' siblings)

Tablecloth, a wine and cream chicken with a head pattern
2 months • ZW
ERROR404, a amethyst and gold chicken with a bar pattern
2 months • ZZ
Double Double, a wine and cream chicken with a half-lace pattern
Double Double
1 month • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
mossy, a olive and leaf chicken
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
beige baby, a grey and beige chicken
beige baby
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Ochre, a orange chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
quita, a wine and sky chicken
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Kaito, a sapphire and sky chicken
1 month • ZZ
Magnet, a fuchsia and beige chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
Pisces, a teal and navy chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW
Wug, a teal and tumblr chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
BajaBlast, a mint and turquoise chicken
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Lucky, a spring and teal chicken
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
The, a sapphire and gold chicken with a lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Wolf Puppy, a teal and violet chicken with a half-lace pattern
Wolf Puppy
4 weeks • ZZ
candle, a blurple and sky chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZZ A green nest with a golden egg inside
Xiao, a overcast and mint chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
Onion, a lilac and leaf chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
Plum Muffin, a ochre and overcast chicken
Plum Muffin
15 hours • ZZ A chick hatching out of an egg


Florian, a orchid and pink chicken with a head pattern
2 months • ZZ A green-grey seed A pink camera
Old Yellow, a violet and pink chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
Old Yellow
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Gem, a amethyst and mist chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ
Dawn, a black and sable chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed
Blorb, a navy and red chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
Yukari, a lilac and white chicken with a bar pattern
1 month • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
ALGALBLOOM, a olive chicken
1 month • ZZ
Ambrosia, a crimson and honey chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Plate, a wine and spring chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
蜜, a rose and cream chicken with a head pattern
1 month • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
Zombie, a olive and leaf chicken
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Zak, a navy and sky chicken
1 month • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a overcast and crimson chicken
1 month • ZW
Hoks, a chartreuse and olive chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
cordon bleu, a navy and sapphire chicken with a half-lace pattern
cordon bleu
1 month • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
iris, a overcast and red chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
Washi Tape, a indigo and cream chicken with a half-lace pattern
Washi Tape
1 month • ZZ
(unnamed), a sapphire and ultramarine chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 month • ZZ
Yolkian, a turquoise and orange chicken with a speckle pattern
1 month • ZZ
Jazz, a violet and teal chicken with a half-lace pattern
4 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed
Walnut, a orchid and ultramarine chicken
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
Aves, a mist and ultramarine chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
pHen, a pink and olive chicken with a speckle pattern
3 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Plum Toothpaste, a aqua and overcast chicken with a speckle pattern
Plum Toothpaste
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
peat, a sable and bark chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZZ A pink camera
(unnamed), a olive and grass chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZW A green-grey seed
Fir, a silver and russet chicken with a half-lace pattern
3 weeks • ZW A pink camera
Dewdrop, a turquoise and tumblr chicken
3 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a rose and sable chicken
3 weeks • ZW
Tweet, a mist and sky chicken with a head pattern
2 weeks • ZW
Ocean Sunfish, a sky chicken with a lace pattern
Ocean Sunfish
2 weeks • ZW
Ene, a cerulean and tumblr chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
Yuu Ai, a gluppy and tumblr chicken with a lace pattern
Yuu Ai
2 weeks • ZZ
(unnamed), a amethyst and red chicken with a speckle pattern
2 weeks • ZZ A green-grey seed
Orca, a ultramarine and sapphire chicken with a lace pattern
2 weeks • ZZ
(unnamed), a wine and cream chicken with a half-lace pattern
2 weeks • ZW
wax, a wine and sky chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 week • ZW
Sour, a navy and maroon chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 week • ZW
Rosé, a wine and rose chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 week • ZZ
(unnamed), a overcast and brown chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZW A green-grey seed
matcha, a chartreuse and olive chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 week • ZZ
(unnamed), a amethyst and white chicken with a neck-speckle pattern
1 week • ZZ A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
Salad, a lemon and blurple chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZW
Honey, a gold and bark chicken with a head pattern
1 week • ZW
Chocoberry, a lavender and bark chicken with a speckle pattern
4 days • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside
(unnamed), a navy and amethyst chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 day • ZW A chick hatching out of an egg A market stall with a striped red and white canopy
(unnamed), a teal chicken with a half-lace pattern
1 day • ZW A green-grey seed A chick hatching out of an egg
(unnamed), a beige and crimson chicken with a double-lace pattern
14 hours • ZW A chick hatching out of an egg
