A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Pet Chickens??

Posted by iBrBz
1 month ago

Pet Chickens??

I would love to see/hear about any pet chickens people have irl!

I donโ€™t have any picturesโ€ฆ as I was a small child when I had chickens. But I had 5!! We started with three: Piquin (he pecked a lot), Tigressa (she had tiger like plumage!), and Lola. Iโ€™m not sure what breeds they were, maybe some kind of bantam they were small, or like hamburgs or something Iโ€™m not sure. Then we had two more that were leghorns: Banana and Blueberry.

They were really fun to have! This was while I lived in Puerto Rico so now that Iโ€™m in the states itโ€™s a lot harder to own chickens since I live in the city haha. But one dayโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll own chickens againโ€ฆ Until then I will live vicariously, please tell me about your pet chickens!!!


xbleaxhx 1 month ago

hi emoji! emoji this is my time to shine hehe ive been an owner since 2020 (when i was 20) after being obsessed with harvest moon ds as a kid and always wanting chickens that look like they did in the game

after my dad saying hey clean that area and we'll buy u the coop (i got REALLY high grades in uni so it was a present for that!) me and my boyfriend sorted it all, parents bought the coop and then i bought 3 sussex hens named May, Marie and Lee (named after the kanker sisters from ed edd n eddy) fast forward unfortunately in 2022 May passed away. in 2023 we got 2 new hens Pickle (a speckledy) and Cheese (a blacktail) sadly just after this Lee passed away (both May and Lee past from EYP) but since then theyre all doing great!!

theyre all on my toyhouse with irl pics so feel free to be nosey!! heart emojiheart emoji https://toyhou.se/xbleaxhx/characters/folder:4481210

iBrBz 1 month ago

@xbleaxhx omg i love that they were named by the kanker sisters!!! Marie is holding the line in honor of our fallen aa emoji I'm sorry that May and Lee got hit with EYP, it's rough. Also I love a name like Cheese, immediately I screamed CHEEEESEEEE!!! heart emoji

xbleaxhx 1 month ago

@iBrBz tysm hehe im a huge ed edd n eddy fan so it made sense xD maries a bad bish, she had EYP but what i learnt from May and Lee helped her have antibiotics (may passed suddenly, Lee we got in to see a vet but she passed seconds after diagnosis) theyre such wonderful pets tho heheheart emoji