@Waltz Hatching day! This chick is also purple range like the previous one- I'm not sure if you were looking for a specific range or not. Will this be another pass or will you accept them today?
Mayhaps join queue for Eventide bride and Moss monarch?
Ooh, hm! I'd been initially hoping for a more green over because I need to breed my way out of the purples a bit, but I think I actually have a promising match for this baby- I'll take em!
I would love to join the queue!!
@Mezzo Of course! Which pair/s are you queuing for? You can reserve a place in line for two (different) nests at once.
Could I queue again for Eventide x Moss? Thank you!
Could I queue up for EventidexMoss, please?
@AiyetFelisAgrus Hatching day! Will you accept or pass on this chick?
2 months • ZZ
@lestat The people ahead of you have passed on this chick! To be honest, I can't remember which range you were looking for exactly... Will you accept or also pass?
2 months • ZW
i accept !! i can modulate this one into something i really like :3
@Emy !! Id like to take it!
@kyancoqie It's hatching day! Will you accept or pass on this chick?
@Metous Hatching day at last! Will you accept or pass on this chick? It has a nice, even number! (7050)
2 months • ZZ
@chickrins Hatching day! This chick is pretty far from the colors you were looking for. Should I take that as a pass? Or will you accept?