A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: Site Changelog

Posted by circlejourney
2 months ago

Site Changelog

A thread for site changes that aren't major enough for announcements. Subscribe to remain apprised of small site updates!


Today's update:

  • Migrated all user and chicken comments to a text-based system. Also added emotes on threads and replies. I might make a proper announcement about this later. Let me know if you run into any bugs aa emoji
  • Dealt with the bug where existing chickens were having their parents transferred to new chicks. I am not 100% sure if we've caught everything yet, so let me know if you see any chickens with bugged parents. And if any of your chickens have mysteriously lost their parents, let me know in a support ticket.
  • Forum posts can now be locked (and pinned by admins). Locked posts will remain open to subscriptions, as well as comments from the creator.
  • Also fixed a bug where thread owners and subscribers weren't getting notifications for comments on threads they created.

This evening's update:

  • Implemented sanitization filters, they will automatically censor "bad" words. If you feel like it's too overzealous and censoring random things, let me know.
  • Under the hood, I've fleshed out the ticket system: new tickets now give me a notification, and tickets can be commented on, opened, and closed. Still ironing out all the notification changes, so as always, (haha) send me a ticket for any problems.
  • The user blocking feature is mostly done. Now, blocking users will prevent you from seeing their threads and chickens, and will automatically delete any pending trades, and vice versa. You can also customise how users who blocked you appear (404 error vs "you have been blocked").

Fixed a major bug where you could buy seeds even when you didn't have enough eggs and vice versa. I'll honour code this - if you received free eggs/seed from this, you're free to let me know and I will remove them.

Last night's update: I got site emails set up, but I realised it was rather disruptive to suddenly block people's access to important features on the site, so I'm going to reduce the number of pages requiring verification to only ones where you can gain rewards (since the main reason for verification is to ensure people don't make 1000 alts to exploit the daily/limited features). There might be some odd behaviour while this is being rolled out.

Also - fixed the bug where pinging someone multiple times in one comment would create multiple notifications.

The entire Eggspedition game is done. Travel the world (currently 2 maps) and see other people's chickens there. I don't know how it managed to materialise in half a day, but it did. Gonna give it a day to settle before making an announcement. I think the only feature left that I want to get done before open beta is P2W (I want to beta it in a closed setting before opening up). Does this mean...open beta soon?? Perhaps!

[deep deep breath] ok so I got basically the rest of the intended features knocked out today. I'll make the proper announcement tomorrow, just so that the email verification one can stay there for one more day. but just a quick preview

  • you can buy eggs for USD now. yes
  • glasses and socks. socks are half the price of everything else
  • modulators are no longer single use! after talking to neotheatre I also reworded the explanation of how they work + put them in their own tab so it's not confusing. I'm still hoping to incentivise breeding over geneing, but hey, that option exists now if you prefer to drop thousands of eggs to move your chicken to your preferred colour
  • peep modulator that just flips the eye between black and white. it's cheaper than the other mods too

I'm almost satisfied with the game now, and so I'm going to start my 1-2 weeks of not doing big changes, and instead focus on catching all the bugs that have come up! including:

  • for some reason, trade notifications were randomly popping up even though there were no changes

  • generally the notification system seems to be buggy, so send those bug reports my way

  • general cleanup - there may be some pages that need different auth settings; some pages aren't properly styled for mobile, etc.

  • some pages (like the friend page) will need pagination if they get too long.

Today's changes:

  • Final touches on the Eggspedition feature, added villages (which cost 0 steps to walk through + feed your chickens if they are hungry) and ability to walk into neighbouring maps. I may continue to balance the maps over time.
  • Wrote up a few more info pages
  • Under the hood: Refactored per-route validation into middleware - now it's much easier to validate that users can only view things that they have the permissions for. Will make the big announcement later today.
  • Fixed the bug that was making the password reset emails generate with a localhost URL instead of a chicken.pet one.
  • Small styling changes like adding more padding around list items
  • Separated the friends list and chicken feed into separate pages
  • Added numbered pagination to users' chicken galleries
  • Fixed bug where chicks were loading as adults in Chickrew

Today's changes:

  • Add numbered pagination to everywhere where it makes sense (e.g. coop lists, forum threads, messages)
  • Turns out I set up all the email verification stuff...and then forgot to enable it. Please let me know if you're having trouble with verification! I can verify you without sending an email since I know each current member individually. But also I'd like this to be working by release, so if it's not working for you, let me know and I'll look into it. I know some spam filters tend to catch emails from this domain.
  • Better moderation tools
  • Filled out the name dropdown menu with more links so that you can access most pages from any other page on the site
  • Breed form now autofills with the chicken you selected
  • Form validation now checks chicken and user names for disallowed words

The repo for this project now has 420 commits 🔥angry emoji Today's evening update:

  • You can now add chickets to trades.
  • Site-wide styling changes to make it look generally better and more polished. I updated some of the images so they display better on dark mode; you may have to hard refresh to see the changes.
  • Fixed the bug where items could be sold or used while they were in a trade. Now, having the item in a trade locks it from being sold. Also made it such that chickens and items can only be in one carton at a time.
  • Added message outbox; moved closed tickets to their own tab.
  • Removed the slight unwanted mask outline on Head pattern chicks (it was bothering me a lot!)

ok one last update for the day

  • Added custom chicken backgrounds - check it out on your chicken's profile
  • Added role icons to profiles Will make the announcement about the backgrounds Soon(tm)

Today's changes:

  • Releasing chickens now gets you a bigger egg reward of 15-35 (for release into wild) or flat 25 (send to the pool)
  • Pullet pool chickens can now be picked up for a flat price between 32 and 40 (based on their age)
  • General improvements on dark mode styling
  • Debugged hatching with gene relations

Added a fun little thing on Eggspeditions where stepping onto a tile next to another chicken has no step cost!

Patch for the update above:

  • you can now only buy chickens from the pullet pool once every 3 days
  • pullet pool now gets a chick daily at midnight if there are < 5 chicks in it