Azu's chickens

A pink egg Cool Number

Personally hatched. Mirror numbers, repeating numbers, or numbers that end in 0s.

Maroon 8000, a maroon chicken with a head pattern
Maroon 8000
2 weeks • ZZ
Nice, a sky and ultramarine chicken with a head pattern
5 days • ZZ
Mirror, a blurple chicken with a lace pattern
3 days • ZZ A chick hatching out of an egg
Zoom error code, a indigo and ash chicken with a half-lace pattern
Zoom error code
3 days • ZZ A chick hatching out of an egg
Binary, a brown and white chicken with a lace pattern
3 days • ZW A chick hatching out of an egg
ITS OVER 9000, a sable and navy chicken with a lace pattern
1 week • ZW
Tumblr Savior, a tumblr chicken with a lace pattern
Tumblr Savior
5 hours • ZW A green-grey seed A chick hatching out of an egg
Pop Punk, a sable and fuchsia chicken with a lace pattern
Pop Punk
1 week • ZZ
Ducky, a leaf and beige chicken with a lace pattern
4 weeks • ZZ
MLA Format, a mist and lavender chicken with a half-lace pattern
MLA Format
1 month • ZW
APA Format, a mist and pink chicken with a half-lace pattern
APA Format
3 weeks • ZZ