Fey's chickens

Pink Babies

some sweethearts

Laced, a rose and maroon chicken with a half-lace pattern
#22155 Laced
1 month • ZW
Roses, a rose chicken with a double-lace pattern
#22983 Roses
1 month • ZW
Bugsy, a sable and pink chicken with a half-bar pattern
#22924 Bugsy
1 month • ZW
Peepie, a rose and orange chicken with a half-lace pattern
#25521 Peepie
3 weeks • ZW
Stripes, a white and pink chicken with a half-bar pattern
#26345 Stripes
2 weeks • ZW
Festive, a white and pink chicken with a neck-band pattern
#21163 Festive
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Rosette, a rose and white chicken with a half-lace pattern
#17896 Rosette
2 months • ZZ A pink camera
Cocoa, a russet and pink chicken with a lace pattern
#22624 Cocoa
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Amore, a rose chicken with a head pattern
#24639 Amore
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
February, a rose and cream chicken with a speckle pattern
#23531 February
1 month • ZZ A pink camera
Bink, a pink and brown chicken with a half-bar pattern
#25504 Bink
3 weeks • ZZ A pink camera
Penelope, a pink and crimson chicken with a half-lace pattern
#27879 Penelope
1 week • ZZ A pink camera