dib's chickens


zim themed chickens!

Zim, a grass and fuchsia chicken with a lace pattern
#489 Zim
6 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Zim but WORSE, a grass and crimson chicken with a bar pattern
#490 Zim but WORSE
6 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
GIR, a grey and black chicken with a bar pattern
#375 GIR
6 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
Tak, a amethyst and black chicken with a bar pattern
#372 Tak
6 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Voot Cruiser, a plum and crimson chicken
#5117 Voot Cruiser
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera