hach's chickens

A chick hatching out of an egg gijinka projects

chickens that will be gijinkad...

nyx, a silver and navy chicken
#4373 nyx
5 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
noctis, a navy and sapphire chicken
#4810 noctis
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Haunted, a silver and white chicken with a half-lace pattern
#4546 Haunted
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed A pink camera
soft lady, a rose and olive chicken with a speckle pattern
#6980 soft lady
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
diana, a white and lilac chicken with a half-lace pattern
#7073 diana
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
THING, a fuchsia and sea chicken with a double-lace pattern
#7105 THING
4 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Scene Raver, a sable and fuchsia chicken with a double-lace pattern
#7902 Scene Raver
4 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a teal and beige chicken with a lace pattern
#7988 (unnamed)
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a orchid and honey chicken with a lace pattern
#8340 (unnamed)
4 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
(unnamed), a lime and white chicken with a head pattern
#9018 (unnamed)
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed