xMaei's chickens

alt.cog 2. ◇ The Alade Chickens

Uuu they are chickens that are part of an og story

Lavander, a silver and lilac chicken with a bar pattern
#6358 Lavander
4 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Berney, a violet and black chicken
#6359 Berney
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Frozty, a ash and black chicken with a bar pattern
#7840 Frozty
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Stony, a silver and wine chicken
#6916 Stony
4 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Vieled, a fuchsia and mist chicken with a half-lace pattern
#6275 Vieled
4 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Wiwi, a silver and grass chicken with a lace pattern
#2566 Wiwi
5 months • ZW A green-grey seed
Toil, a sable and russet chicken with a half-lace pattern
#7782 Toil
3 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Trouble, a sable and brown chicken with a half-lace pattern
#7784 Trouble
3 months • ZZ A green-grey seed
Pumkin, a red and vermilion chicken with a bar pattern
#8846 Pumkin
3 months • ZW A green-grey seed