The winner is @Weavile
your chickets will be delivered asap
This raffle is now closed
Hello and Happy New Years everyone!
I've collected quite a few chickets for the Pullet Pool and so I've decided to raffle off 10 chickets for free! All 10 chickets will go to one lucky winner.
To enter simply reply with your favorite chicken joke or your favorite chicken pun that could be used as a funny chicken name. Every person who replies will get 1 entry into the raffle. Commenting more than once does not earn more entries. I will use to pick a number out of the total entries to select the winner.
The raffle will end Tuesday evening in my time (I believe that's Wednesday UCT ). I'll give a heads up 1 hour before the raffle closes.
1 hour left
Winner draw time in UCT: 9:27
The winner is @Weavile
The winner is @Weavile
your chickets will be delivered asap