WAUGLGASDGG IM LOSING MY MIND IN SUCH A GOOD WAY RN... AAAAAAAAAAAA SCREECH aa emojiaa emojiaa emoji i love the vibes in the first chibi still oh my gosh,, asya's happy lil expression and them just being so nice and close to each other makes me super happy :DD and the cat plush is SO CUTE!!! And then the gif.. the gif.. i know i wrote it but seeing it is like aw man why did i do this to these poor characters... you captured the emotional turmoil so well. I love the GIF version to bits; the details too - like how Asya turns from holding the cat plush to looking at it, and oh you included her spark and all of those awesome little things... I. Love this. So so much. Thank you millions... both for this AMAZING art and also for truly understanding these two - thank you for taking the time to do that!!!!