omg me please!!!
2:59:58 am
2:59:58 am
As with the mushrooms they will go for 60 eggs each, or a doodle of any chicken in the OChickens or Biases section of this page. Affordable plant fertiliser for everyone! Comment to be added to the queue...
Q: @SirRayPierre, @lestat, @chickenborg, @Zapz, @JINIPPYBASILE
@boar you have been added
@Waltz It's (drumroll) a turd. Bonus: its ID is #6069
Would you like it (88 eggs / art of anyone on first page of my coop) or would you like to pass and rejoin the front of the queue?
Thank u yes... I gladly accept this funny number turd (shall send some eggs!l
@LvEx you're up next on the poo queue...would you like this one (bonus: it's #6622)
@MisspelledFox (presents a turd for inspection)
would you like it for 88 eggs/chicken doodle or do you want to pass and return to front of queue?
Hm the white peep gene is strong
@MisspelledFox yay I will set up the trade! Lmk if you want to buy for eggs or a doodle (so I know to set it up as one or two way)
@MisspelledFox no problem!
i would like to be added to the queue if ur still doing these
@SapphireRose guess is your turn for 💩
Would you like them for doodle or eggs? Or pass and go back to the front of the queue?
@seaglassgarden added you!
I will take them for eggs please :)
@SapphireRose Yis, sending!