@SirRayPierre Guess what...it's turdin' time
Let me know if you'd like them (60 eggs / chicken doodle) or if you want to pass and optionally return to the front of the queue!
As with the mushrooms they will go for 60 eggs each, or a doodle of any chicken in the OChickens or Biases section of this page. Affordable plant fertiliser for everyone! Comment to be added to the queue...
Q: @SirRayPierre, @lestat, @chickenborg, @Zapz, @JINIPPYBASILE
@SirRayPierre Guess what...it's turdin' time
Let me know if you'd like them (60 eggs / chicken doodle) or if you want to pass and optionally return to the front of the queue!
I accept this turd!!! I can pay in eggs :)
@SirRayPierre one turd, coming your way
@lestat It is your turn, for,
Let me know if you'd like them for 60 eggs, a chicken doodle, or if you want to pass and optionally return to the front of the queue!