@Azu it's your turn to have 💩 deposited in your inbox
Let me know if you'd like it (for 88 eggs or a doodle) or pass and optionally return to the front of the queue!
As with the mushrooms they will go for 60 eggs each, or a doodle of any chicken in the OChickens or Biases section of this page. Affordable plant fertiliser for everyone! Comment to be added to the queue...
Q: @SirRayPierre, @lestat, @chickenborg, @Zapz, @JINIPPYBASILE
@Azu it's your turn to have 💩 deposited in your inbox
Let me know if you'd like it (for 88 eggs or a doodle) or pass and optionally return to the front of the queue!
Oh I didn't realize it was my turd (this was a typo I was supposed to say turn but this is too funny to backspace), I'll gladly accept! Is it okay if I did a doodle instead?
@circlejourney Payment for turdlet! I was gonna draw Anchicken (predictable) but I wanted to do a little something for darling Liying because of our internest... she's so cute I hope this is okay!
@Azu this is so she's having a little sleeb...I love the flowers scattered around her too..thank you so much (and for internesting too)! Enjoy your bark bark chicken
Please add me to the queue. I need a turd!
@Imikasheen added!
@Yuchino it's poopoo time
do you want it (88 eggs / doodle) or to pass and optionally return to the front of queue?
@werfenspeer hi it is your turn for Pedigree Turd
let me know if you would like them (88 eggs or a doodle) or optionally returning to the front of the queue!
I would like to queue!!
@asprg it is your turn for a stinky chick......would you like them (88 eggs/doodle) or to pass and optionally return to the front of the queue?
@Wildflower75 added you!