Here, old news stories are collected for posterity. Feel free to look around!
Warning: This page has every single story ever written, it's "a bit" long already and will only ever get longer.
Less than 15 minutes left until the new slots open and ChickenPet users are excited! So many more new chickens to spy and report on meet! Here at ChickenPet Times we're counting down the seconds... For totally not paparazzi related purposes of course!
Cadet Olive failed to rescue a drowning chick at Northeast Town today. Fortunately, the chick survived and has now learned how to swim. We hope this experience wasn't too scarring for any of the involved parties.
See pictures
User @CheepCheep777 introduces custom award badges for your chicken! The post even comes with an easily customizable awards case so you can proudly display your achievements.
One of our coop members, Hematite, couldn't wait until he earned more awards and simply ran to apply them as soon as he could. Although not particularly accomplished, he now proudly displays to everyone just how popular he is, thanks to user @CheepCheep777's amazing template.
Reporter: @kyancoqie
This SCUMBAG took all my money, then wasted it on expensive notebooks and bad clothes. I even bought glasses for him and depleted all of my eggs. :( Very sad.
ChickenPet community excited as new user slots are predicted to open soon. Our experts suggest the farmhouse might reach even below 80 chickens listed for sale as new users rush to grow their coops. Old man claims the farmhouse used to keep only about 1 or 2 chickens at a time back when he was young, and one of them even sold for 10000 eggs.
Washed out chicken with mildly interesting ID Avocado still upset he was not featured in the "Chickens of the day" section of our archive. Despite our editors' explanations about wanting to keep a consistent linear timeline, he seemed to want to be featured anyways still.
Editors asleep? It's been almost a full hour and no new main issue had yet been published. Rumors seem to suggest Razei stayed up until 3am watching critically acclaimed show Star Peck: Clucker Decks.
Pullet Pool too full? Users report new chickens spawns have become rarer and rarer. ChickenPet community fears it'll continue to grow fuller, but the experts believe a new wave of users coming later today could be the solution.
Cyberchicken, previously exposed for a suspicious out of wedlock nest with Dust to Dust, appears to in good terms with long term partner Old Man once again.
What is The Pigeon up to? It was spotted in Northwest Pass broadcasting a cryptic message:
Does Herbert secretly want to be a worm? The lead singer of Fall Out Bawk was spotted in Northwest Pass asking Detective Gimon if they'd still love him even if he was a worm.
Reporter: @Waltz
Do neck speckle chickens have speckles on their butt? New studies suggest so! A shocking discovery has left the ChickenPet community in awe of this hidden detail.
- Sprouted Potato, who never noticed their own butt speckles
Lapis Lazuli announces they're expecting two beautiful eggs! Claims to be attempting to bring Sentinel Prime into the coop with the help of Sea Sandwich Jr. Their neighbor, Onyx., worries about the entire coop being destroyed if their attempts are successful.
Old man yells at cloud, claims it's been far too windy recently and all of Autumn leaves' feathers are flying away, leaving the chicken completely bald.
New user slots will be opening soon! Is ChickenPet prepared? Will the Pullet Pool see numbers below 50 again? The orange requests a security team as it fears for its life, worried the new chickens will confuse it for an actual orange and eat it. The expert on the matter assures us that chickens don't tend to like oranges.
Reporter: @LvEx
Soap has had a mishap in murky waters after ignoring many no chickpassing signs. The detective was spotted leaving the lake, sporting a new slight transparency. An exclusive interview afterwards from the rooster says he feels "a little bit parched, but otherwise alright." He neglected to comment on the horns now protruding from his head.
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Got a case that needs cracking? The Hard-Boiled Egg Detective Agency has opened its doors, and our top investigators are available for hire. Also seeking new sleuths to join the team.
Reporter: SapphireRose
Known ghost Persephone recently came out in support of one of her romantic partners, Vladimir the Vampire King, after rumors started to spread about him not being a real vampire. She stated to a reporter: "Coo!!! Coo coo, cluck bawk! coo.. coo coo... cluck..." Vladimir and Persephone's other partner refused to comment on the situation and cast a "forever 2.1" spell that turned our interviewer back into a chick.
Reporter: SapphireRose
Famed Chickenpet user building an army for nefarious purposes? In other news, one of the Worlds Worst Teashop owners dropped some SHOCKING gossip! Fluoride toothpaste claims that her partner recently sold a teacup to a celebrity known only as 'Misspelled Fox..' She alleges that Fox is creating a chicken army, and believes that the teacup has become a part of it.
Reporter: SapphireRose
Fall Out Bawk, the current biggest emo chicken band, just hinted at dropping a brand new album soon! OMG 😍
Fans of the group are going wild after the Lead Singer Herbert posted a cryptic Cluckstagram story of his studio captioned "cluck.. cluck.. cluckkk... 🖤⛓️" Many are speculating this is a hint towards a new album dropping soon..
Teleporting powers?! Rumors arise after reporter Desert Rose is seen teleporting around the map. She has denied comment at this moment.
Reporter: @werfenspeer
Sunburnt chick joins the ranks of the suspicious brown chickens gathering in @werfenspeer's coop.
Reporter: @LvEx
Cherry Soda and Hanged Man Rusts under fire after their latest chick turns up sunburnt. The two decline this claim, yet a chick named Sunburnt hits the market anyways
Despite multiple complaints, Alabaster refuses to take off his stolen gray cape. Rumors suggesting it wasn't originally bought for him but rather stolen from a different chicken and then shamelessly worn by him seem to be correct.
Reporter: @Waltz
A gang of good Samaritans took up arms today to rescue a full roost of chickens whose home was teetering on the brink of a portal to hell. However, in the fray, one rooster, Dante, was neglected and nearly plummeted into the abyss. At the last moment he found salvation but returned forever changed...
Reporter: @LvEx
Bananaphone actually just four chicks in a suit? Sources say it's true, skeptics say there's no way. Six Feet Under claims he saw the chicks on a bug break, but Raven questions the claim, saying Six Feet Under often mistakes bananas for Bananaphone.
Reporter: @CheepCheep777
A mysterious outsider has appeared within the village of Tazmily. He has yet to do anything malicious, other than take out an odd glowing object to "take selfies."
Reporter: @Waltz
A gang of good Samaritans took up arms today to rescue a full roost of chickens whose home was teetering on the brink of a portal to hell. However, in the fray, one rooster, Dante, was neglected and nearly plummeted into the abyss. At the last moment he found salvation but returned forever changed...
Reporter: @LvEx
Bananaphone actually just four chicks in a suit? Sources say it's true, skeptics say there's no way. Six Feet Under claims he saw the chicks on a bug break, but Raven questions the claim, saying Six Feet Under often mistakes bananas for Bananaphone.
Reporter: @CheepCheep777
A mysterious outsider has appeared within the village of Tazmily. He has yet to do anything malicious, other than take out an odd glowing object to "take selfies."
Plane sightings over ChickenPet have been attributed to Finnair Hangar.
Reports indicate that ChickenPet user @MisspelledFox said he’d be going to sleep but stayed up 4 hours more. The user denies the rumors, but evidence is piling up.
The turd factory and The Mycelial Network resume operations as usual. Next egg is predicted for November 10 and 11, respectively.
Chicken Leviathan accidentally purchases Coop Expansion while trying to practice a new magic spell. 1600 eggs less later, he still denies responsibility.
Critics question THE Orange's odd youthfulness as it turns 5 days old, yet still appears to be a chick. Magma is reportedly furious.
Duck Tape Hatchery begins operations. Owner @LvEx claims to not be that good at coding, yet the thread looks perfectly organized, cute, and readable. Desert Rose investigates.
留守番電話 a.k.a The Hotshot Reporter joins the team at The ChickenPet Times. Coworkers celebrate and organize a welcome party as they excitedly express their enthusiasm to work together from now on.
User @blushpyre launches Project Friendpocalypse in hopes of befriending new users, the ChickenPet community receives this project with enthusiasm, some more users joining as well.
Chickenpet community overjoyed as new users join today, excitedly waiting for even more slots to open soon.
Reporter: @werfenspeer
A collective of so-called "turd" brown chickens has been seen assembling in @werfenspeer's yard. Detective Jr suspects an uprising, but it's just a hunch for now.
Reporter: @JinxedJay
Local non-chicken menace is still on the run at the northwest bridge! Our chicken detectives are hard at work to capture this wrongdoer.
Critics claim Devastator chooses to appear as a chick despite being a full-grown chicken due to insecurities regarding his flair color and comb shape. Coop owner @MisspelledFox refused to comment on the situation.
Cyber chicken is accused of cheating on long-term partner Old man after being spotted tending to a nest with Dust to Dust. Old man assures the media that the nature of this scandalous nest is purely transactional.
The Monochrome Hatchery celebrates its first official hatches today, welcoming #5783, #5784, and #5785 into the world. The three hatchlings were lovingly adopted by their new owners and have all excitedly moved to their new homes.
Rumors arise regarding Bebe's real age. Family claims the subject is actually 23 years old.
News feed receives Cheep's famed seal of approval, making history.
The orange's popularity skyrockets as Magma attempts to compete by exclusively wearing orange accessories when in public.
Menace spotted eating mint choco ice cream and listening to Chapell Roan.
Wet floor sign confused for actual wet floor sign after losing his glasses.
Offbrand Zucchini reassures lawyers he is in no way related to famous Chicken Dot Pet (TM) star Zucchini.
After spending 5 full days in the Pullet Pool, Eggplant, now known as "Eggy" was rescued thanks to Chicken Dot Pet (TM) user @Yuchino who was kind enough to sponsor Eggy's rescue.
Hatsune Freakus receives sponsorship for a new tie and sparkles by user @kyancoqie, thanks her fans and everyone who believed in her.
A giant mecha identified as Grapevine appears to have invaded the farmhouse. The subject sat down and played gently with the chickens until it was adopted by kind benefactor @brainfriends.
Menace denies rumors of plastic surgery after suddenly waking up one day with cheek eyespots, a mop comb, and a different over color.
Scene queen thanks all of their fans for their support after finally starting eggstrogen. Their partner, Boulangerie, says it's all thanks to trans-positive land owner @circlejourney.
Famous model Tornasol joins the coop and immediately steals everyone's hearts as expected. Currently, they deny the rumors of hoarding all the purple over genes for themselves after speculation surfaces about their younger siblings' over colors.
Divorced for money: Until eggs do us apart

2024 Nov. 11 - 3:38 UCT
Five days ago, on November 5, The monochrome hatchery opened its doors to the public, offering a wide range of grayscale chicks for sale. Although the hatchery was received well by the general public, not everyone is happy with the new arrangement.
In a shocking claim, Zebra 2 reveals that they used to be mated to Zebra, (also known as "Zebra 1"), but their marriage ended when Zebra 1 decided to prioritize their career as a for-profit breeder instead.
Zebra 2 - Zebra's previous partner.
Despite Zebra 1 heartless decision to prioritize capitalism over true love, it seems he has yet to find any customers. Zebra 2 claims this to be the result of Karmic retribution.
We reached out to Zebra 1 for comment, but he refused to reply to agree for an interview.
Observing Zebra 1's family tree, we noticed two offsprings, none of which appear to be related to their former partner, Zebra 2. One of them however, does appear to have been mothered by Moo Moo, the homewrecker.
As the new couple's offspring is still a child, we have decided not to reach for comment in hopes of protecting their mental well-being.
The Chicken Tabloids: Meet the newest publication in ChickenPet!

2024 Nov. 10 - 0:40 UCT
It is with great pride that today we announce we'll be welcoming a new publication to ChickenPet!
Today we welcome:
The Chicken Tabloids
From undercover operations to celebrity chicken gossip, coop drama, and more! Don't miss out on the clucks and caws!
Razei: Say, is it true that reporters from The Chicken Tabloids were on the scene within minutes last night when the criminal was almost apprehended by Detective Gimon?
Desert Rose: It's true! I saw it with my own very eyes! By the time I had strutted into the scene, they were already writing their own article! It's impressive!
Razei: What about the rumors of people having seen you teleporting around the map randomly?
Desert Rose: That's all for today!

As you can see, the team at The Chicken Tabloids appears to not only be quick, but extremely efficient as well! Now, you might be wondering, as we were: Who is behind The Chicken Tabloids?
The identity of this new reporter seems to be completely shrouded in mystery! Known simply as "F.C. Porter", their real name and appearance are currently a secret.
ChickenPet: Haunted?!

2024 Nov. 9 - 0:00 UCT
Veteran paranormal investigator Spirit Halloween features today as a special guest, reporting on the urban legend of a mysterious spirit haunting the website.
As ChickenPet surpasses over 200 active users today, Spirit Halloween decides it is time to finally uncover this mystery, once and for all.
EMF Reader in hand as the night falls, she listens carefully for any signs of Scary, the haunting spectre of the chicken dot pet website... until
A soft, echoing cluck, seemingly distant but unmistakably there. The EMF reader goes wild as the apparition of Scary flickers across the screen. Spirit Halloween captures the image, just barely snapping a screenshot in time before the figure vanishes.
Moments later, she shares the exclusive screenshot with The ChickenPet Times. For the first time, the ghostly presence has been documented—proof that ChickenPet has, indeed, been haunted all along.

As the community reacts with a mix of excitement and terror, Spirit Halloween leaves us with one final word of advice:
Jalid and the cooler Jalid accused of illegally operating a clone factory

2024 Nov. 8 - 2:00 UCT
Jalid and The cooler Jalid slammed in newest exposé as the evidence suggesting illegal cloning operations piles up against them.
It all started when their cursed child, Menace was born on October 15. Shortly after that, the couple appears to have been illegally hatching clone after clone.
Despite the multiple clones now hatched, neither Jalid nor The cooler Jalid appear to have a valid hatchery license active, or even worse, appear to have EVER had any kind of hatchery license active! As this story develops, Desert Rose continues to investigate.
Have you ever seen a chicken swap their mate for a better match
Have you ever wanted to run your own publication?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Can a chicken ever have too many accessories?
How do you feel about your chickens?
Your chickens usually have... (multi-option!!)
Do you spend your chicket right after you receive it?
Do you usually name your chickens?
Favorite gene?
Best shape
I literally have never heard of this chicken before, I have no idea what they're talking about!
- Moo Moo, the homewrecker.
I had no idea ███████ and ███ ██████ were together!
- Fried Egg, after reading The Chicken Tabloids
I have never been more terrified in my entire life.
- Menace , who wasn't alive when this happened.
You can never have too many accessories
- Cockatoo
2024 Nov. 10
2024 Nov. 9
2024 Nov. 8
2024 Nov. 7
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