A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: THE TRAVELLING CHICKEN (game rules)

Posted by hunter_slime_660
4 months ago (edited 1 day ago )


aa emoji THE TRAVELLING CHICKEN aa emoji


The travelling chicken is a game created by @hunter_slime_660 where a chicken is exchanged amongst users, quite literally "travelling" It is a very trust based game, as it relies on the users not keeping the chicken, but rather moving it forward to someone else. The game started on 12/10/2024 (12th October 2024) The forum post was made on 11/10/2024 (11th October 2024)


TRAVELLER, a navy and yellow chicken with a lace pattern
4 months • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside A pink camera The transgender flag, a flag with blue, pink, and white stripes
<---- This is the travelling chicken. He LOVES to travel and see new nests and new chickens!

His ID is #1814

through his travelling we have discovered quite some facts about our friend Traveller: apparently he's a bank robber and quite the ladies' man, a true Don Giovanni. (feel free to expand his story in the comments of the post)

he's also friend with


  1. You CAN'T keep this chicken.
  • (you're allowed to breed this chicken and keep it for as long as its brooding.)
  1. You MUST forward this chicken to someone else.
  • (the (soft) deadline for this is a week. You might be contacted if you go beyond that.)
  • (you can't sell this chicken or recieve any form of payment for this chicken.)
  1. When you send this chicken to someone you MUST link them this forum post.
  2. Once you recieve this chicken you MUST write in the comments of this post something to let us know you have it
  • (an example would be "i am hosting the Chicken")
  1. You're allowed to use splicers, filters, modulators and accessories, but you CANNOT change his background image or his name.
  2. you CANNOT disable pets
  3. you CANNOT send the chicken back to a person that just had it / is on cooldown
  • (look at "down to play" section to know who's on cooldown)
  1. you can host the chicken again only after 3 other people have hosted it
  • (look at "ownership log" section. 3 people must have had the chicken before you can have it again)
  • (we encourage people to share the chicken with people who have not hosted it before)



List of people who are willing to host the chicken. Send it to one of them if you dont know who to send it to. remember to involve people outside this list as well!!

People on cooldown CANNOT host the chicken. Each person who has hosted the chicken will have as many ° near their name as many times they hosted our Traveller



RobinChimkin 2 months ago (edited 2 months ago) Reply

It seems that the Traveller has made his way over to my coop and the older chickens are rather wary of him. Having heard of him through their many Eggspeditions, Cadet Olive has warned the coop to stay away from him lest they be charmed into nesting with him

However, of course, some chickens do not heed such warnings and pay no mind to rumours and have chosen to approach the Traveller. After being given a lukewarm welcome, the Traveller is now dining with the coop and we shall see what shenanigans he will get up to next!

Also he has arrived with a mysteriously full bag but I'm sure that's nothing to worry about, right?

After breakfast, the Traveller has went from roost to roost, mingling with the chickens who don't turn up their beaks at the sight of him.

He was pretty taken with a white chicken with honey-coloured wings who was all alone by herself. Something about her captivating yellow eyes called to him but she politely pointed out that they were of the same karyotype so things would never work out between them. Still, they shared a tender moment before he had to will his feet to move on to the next roost...

As fate would have it, a rather famous star has decided to nest with the Traveller!
Hatsune Chicku, who was yesterday's Chicken of the Day, decided that she'd like to take her chances with the infamous deadbeat despite Cadet Olive's warnings.

Maybe yesterday's moment of fame has impaired her better judgement? Only time will tell...

RobinChimkin 2 months ago (edited 2 months ago) Reply

Their chick has hatched and they mostly take after their father! Though they do share the same lavender flair as their idol mom

They have been named Kintsugi (by @Daisy512) as their half-lace pattern resembles that of cracked porcelain that has been glued together by gold. And it seems like life is about to teach them its first lesson in heartache as the Traveller seem to want nothing to do with them cry emoji And with Hatsune Chicku being too busy with their idol career, Kintsugi was left to fend for themselves in an abandoned nestbox.

Other chickens in the coop were absolutely aghast at the parents' behaviour and promptly chased the Traveller out and away, with talons raised and furious clucking. Meanwhile Hatsune Chicku gets to stay in the CBC roost, not involved with any of the rest of the coop's shenanigans.

When Cadet Olive and Mauve returned to find Kintsugi, hoping to adopt them as their own, they were nowhere to be found. Instead a pitch black feather was found in their place...

Last the Traveller was seen, they were headed in the direction towards @SapphireRose's coop after having heard that his child was crowned Chicken of The Day

SapphireRose 2 months ago Reply

I had him for a bit but it’s time to send him off. (He’s leaving now that his kid isn’t the chicken of the day anymore)


Christmas vacation

Thank you so much everyone for keeping this game alive. Unfortunately this month has been really busy for me and i couldnt keep up at all.

That being said, the game is gonna temporarily stop/go on hiatus until after Christmas and the Epiphany (6th of January)

what does this mean for us?

Current owner (@MisspelledFox) can keep our beloved traveller for the normal week, after that i ask that our beloved be sent back to me, to spend his vacation back at his home nest

As soon as the vacations end i will be sending him on a journey again! (My choice is not casual, i tend to pick people who have never seen our boy before)

When the game starts again i will do an announcement again

in the meantime...

I will be fixing the master post, adding lore, fixing the rules, adding in the owners i didnt add before

And who knows, maybe our traveller will learn something from his first christmas...

@hunter_slime_660 Oooh yay!!! I hope you have a wonderful break!heart emoji


thank you everyone for partecipating and keeping this game alive

We will see each other again on January 6th


Extremely sorry for the delay with the game, there have been some irl complications i’m still dealing with that have kept me from working on this game.

I’ll try to get back to it as soon as possible but it might take a bit.

Thank you for the understanding and for the love for this game


The arrival...

It had been a long winter, Traveller didn't think he would stop at home for long.

"It's just for Christmas," he thought, as he stepped through the coop's wooden door "I will just get back to travel riiiight after!" But as he stepped on the warm, deep bedding he couldn't help but be overwhelmed with nostalgia: the painted wooden walls, the laying nests where to-be parents were taking turns on brooding, the warm hay under his feets, the dusty smell of chickens moving all around.

A lot had changed since he had last visited, the coop had gotten bigger, and busier. There were now 5 different sectors to the building, chickens who devided themselves by categories he couldn't fathom to understand; instead he found himself quite lost, wandering the sections with curiosity and dread, until a voice stopped him on his tracks.

"son?" a sable and lemon Rooster stood behind him, his eyes, open in surprise, were underlined by heavy eye bags, his tie was loosely tied around his ruffled feathers and he adjusted his glasses to take a better look at Traveller. It was VOID, Traveller's father. He just couldn't hold himself and just threw himself on to his father, hugging him tightly...

What happened?

Traveller spent well over a month back at his old coop, catching up with his family and mingling with the new chickens.

Some highlilghts:

  • Traveller couln't help himself and took part in the revolt against Mum, successfully stealing from her 7 times
  • he started using the devil's lettuce and concieved a child with Mary Jane herself (as well as an unnamed chicken, one of his one night stands)
  • he actually stayed to watch his children grow
  • he actually.... wait. wait wait wait. i was sure i had more seeds then that. and? did i always have 5 tickets??? no, i had 6... did he!? AND MY EGGS TOO!?!? WHAT!!! THAT NASTY-


His children..

Waltz 2 weeks ago Reply


werfenspeer 2 weeks ago Reply

omg I'd love to join the game/be up to play! aa emojiaa emoji turdclan cant wait to meet him!

@werfenspeer added you in!

After a long break, the Traveler had finally gone off again… and found residence in my coop! They settled in at the pasture, looking about at the various coops and curious beaks abound. It wasn’t long until they heard a peculiar sound…
Well, that was nothing like a normal chicken sound! Turning their head, the Traveler was surprised to find none other than the nefarious Pigeon. However, the Pigeon didn’t seem to hold malice towards the Traveler… was that, perhaps… interest? Respect? Curiosity? It wasn’t long at all before the Pigeon was getting chummy with the Traveler, thieving from the coops and overall causing a ruckus wherever the pair went. Of course, no chicken was surprised when not even a day had passed and the pair had managed to swindle an egg into a nest box. (//i am so glad i kept a nest open for this very moment LOL) Some coop members, particularly Aubergine and Banded Pigeon, pity the egg; knowing both Traveler’s and the Pigeon’s habits. Other coop members are simply glad to look forward to some new faces. Who knows what else the Traveler will do in their stay… a little birdie told me that they might run off with the Pigeon to steal from Mum once again…

id love to play! been eyeing this for a while <3

chickenborg 2 weeks ago Reply

I've also been eyeing the game for a while! I would love to play.