A speech bubble enclosing an ellipsis Thread: THE TRAVELLING CHICKEN (game rules)

Posted by hunter_slime_660
4 months ago (edited 1 day ago )


aa emoji THE TRAVELLING CHICKEN aa emoji


The travelling chicken is a game created by @hunter_slime_660 where a chicken is exchanged amongst users, quite literally "travelling" It is a very trust based game, as it relies on the users not keeping the chicken, but rather moving it forward to someone else. The game started on 12/10/2024 (12th October 2024) The forum post was made on 11/10/2024 (11th October 2024)


TRAVELLER, a navy and yellow chicken with a lace pattern
4 months • ZW A green nest with a golden egg inside A pink camera The transgender flag, a flag with blue, pink, and white stripes
<---- This is the travelling chicken. He LOVES to travel and see new nests and new chickens!

His ID is #1814

through his travelling we have discovered quite some facts about our friend Traveller: apparently he's a bank robber and quite the ladies' man, a true Don Giovanni. (feel free to expand his story in the comments of the post)

he's also friend with


  1. You CAN'T keep this chicken.
  • (you're allowed to breed this chicken and keep it for as long as its brooding.)
  1. You MUST forward this chicken to someone else.
  • (the (soft) deadline for this is a week. You might be contacted if you go beyond that.)
  • (you can't sell this chicken or recieve any form of payment for this chicken.)
  1. When you send this chicken to someone you MUST link them this forum post.
  2. Once you recieve this chicken you MUST write in the comments of this post something to let us know you have it
  • (an example would be "i am hosting the Chicken")
  1. You're allowed to use splicers, filters, modulators and accessories, but you CANNOT change his background image or his name.
  2. you CANNOT disable pets
  3. you CANNOT send the chicken back to a person that just had it / is on cooldown
  • (look at "down to play" section to know who's on cooldown)
  1. you can host the chicken again only after 3 other people have hosted it
  • (look at "ownership log" section. 3 people must have had the chicken before you can have it again)
  • (we encourage people to share the chicken with people who have not hosted it before)



List of people who are willing to host the chicken. Send it to one of them if you dont know who to send it to. remember to involve people outside this list as well!!

People on cooldown CANNOT host the chicken. Each person who has hosted the chicken will have as many ° near their name as many times they hosted our Traveller



@bow_iie @chickenborg added both of you in!

As it goes, the Traveler had to be on their way again, but not before a couple things happened…

  1. Their curious nest with the Pigeon hatched, although they were already fleeing the coop when baby Overalls hatched…
  1. They seem to have received a pair of overcast sneakers from the Pigeon; perhaps as a good luck charm, or maybe just to help the poor Traveler’s talons as they explored the world…

In spite of the fact that nearly no other chicken dared to be within the presence of the infamous Traveler, the cool-headed Lucie and Drumstick ended up taking the role the Traveler and the Pigeon would have with Overalls. Needless to say, the Traveler would likely be unwelcome by the pair if they so happened to stop by again…

RealKutiepup 2 weeks ago (edited 2 weeks ago) Reply

It appears as if this mischievous, devious and downright sneaky fellow has made his way into my roosts... Even making one of the many children of Teatime & Teacup swoon... their family tree forever altered... God help us all.

And thus, the Travelling Chicken’s time within my Coop comes to an end. Leaving behind yet another child,

They shall never get to know their parent - a deadbeat, telling Peppermint they would be gone just as the egg were to hatch. Peppermint, heartbroken, provided The Travelling Chicken with a bowtie matching herself, as a memento, and a welcome invite back into her life, someday…

chickrins 2 weeks ago Reply

Under the cover of night a mysterious chicken seems to have slipped into the doors of my roost...perhaps he will take refuge in the warmth before travelling again in a week's time.

chickrins 1 week ago Reply

When the sun rose on the seventh day since the traveler's arrival, Ravin found himself waking up alone, a few eggs by his side. With their other parent nowhere to be found, Ravin tried hard to take care of the little chicks, but it looks like it might be tough- who knows if they will all survive?

Ravin wonders if he'll ever see TRAVELLER again, if he'll ever catch wind of these children of theirs...but maybe their time together was just a passing fancy. Maybe he'll remember him by the maroon visor he made him to shield his eyes from the sun— only time will tell.

Sidenote I hope it was okay with the change of a week long deadline that I nested with him multiple times and so sorry for the delay and apologies for the cooldown on the next person plead emoji

@chickrins you are all good, you can nest him as many times as you like. So long as he's in your coop heart emoji

werfenspeer 4 days ago Reply

hello! i have had the traveler since 14 feb! but im kinda swamped with work atm so i will write about his advenntures with turdclan in a bit!

will send him over to @Waltz soon!

Gekko 4 days ago Reply

been eyeing this from the start but felt too nervous to join jsjdjd,, could I be added to the down to play list? surprise emoji

Leafysun 4 days ago Reply

could I be added to the down to play list :0

@werfenspeer thank you so so much for warning us, and don't worry about it, real life is more important then an online game (plus i've been quite busy irl myself)

@Gekko @Leafysun adding both of you in ^^

Poe83 4 days ago Reply

Could I be added to the play list? surprise emoji

hunter_slime_660 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago) Reply


it would seem like there is another chicken that has taken to travelling...

@Poe83 adding you in!