@Emy pass!
2:59:24 pm
2:59:24 pm
pass sadly but GOD that was close. thanks so much for still pinging me though!! such a pretty bab
@SirRayPierre It's hatching day for EventidexMoss! I realize that I also forgot to send their previously unclaimed chicks your way but I assume you've already seen those since you requested a different chicken from that post? In any case, here is the new chick. I'll link the other two just in case as well. Please let me know whether you'll be claiming one or passing on them all~
I missed seeing evening glory, I would love to take them actually!!
@SugarBunBunnii Hatching day for EventidexMoss! As well as a chick from a previous nest. Would you like to claim either of these?
I love these two!
In priority order incase we can only grab one this time :3
Would it please be possible to queue up for Saint Alectryon x Dawnbringer & A Single Sin x A Thousand Charities?
@charlietheghost Of course! I'll add you onto the list <3 Though, I do have some chickens from both of those pairs that are yet unclaimed, if you'd like one?
[chicken=11175]Patience has been bred but that's the only one that has been!
@Emy I'd love to grab Prophetic March! Would still like to keep a queue spot with Sin x Charities, but feel free to drop me from Alectryon x Dawnbringer! March is the perfect matcha lemon cake
@charlietheghost okay this is super embarrassing but I forgot⦠Prophetic March was sold yesterday⦠q.q ahaha⦠this is what I get for not sleeping
@Emy No worries, happens ^^ I would like to keep a queue on both the pairs I previously requested then, please ^^
@charlietheghost Sure, no problem! Sorry for the confusioin