@charlietheghost Hatching day! Would you like to accept or pass on this chick?
@MisspelledFox @SapphireRose
New Revolution x Revelation chick has been hatched! First come first served on them:
@Emy Id love to accept, however ive forgotten what the method of payment is xp
@Mezzo payment is pay what you want! Minimum is 2 seed (I need to feed the parents to make more babies :DDD)
@Kallikit @MisspelledFox Extra chickens are available if anybody would like to claim!
@charlietheghost Hello! I've got several chickens for your choosing today! Would you like to claim one?
@Emy Lily of the valley please!
@Metous Hello! It sure has been a while but these chickens have really been dodging the warmer flair colors... I did manage to get one that has a lime flair which is.. close to warm? Not sure if this is close enough for you or not, please let me know!
I also tried breeding from A Single Sin x A Thousand Charities. This chick does have a red range flair but the over range is green...
4 days ago
3 days ago)
@Kallikit @MisspelledFox @SapphireRose Extra chicks are up for claims if anybody would like one. In addition, I have two new pairs which I haven't had time to make banners for (they're technically four pairs since they can nest swap with each other).
Edit: Removed claimed chicks!
@Kallikit I know that SapphireRose specifically wanted pings for Revolution x Revelation chicks so I'd like to give 'em a bit of a chance on that one. I can pass Soot along to you now, though?
@Kallikit wait, I might've read that wrong. Let me know which chicken you would prefer me to send -Soot or Proclamation